Learning Through The Arts
We know that the Arts and Project Based Learning produce results other learning methods and systems do not. Experts support it, science supports it, and studies support it... learning through the arts and project based learning develop strong minds as well as strong hearts. They teach critical thinking, problem solving, persistence, practice and success!
Project based learning and learning through the arts is more challenging and more fulfilling than what we know as traditional learning. Just watch your child grow.
We promise to be innovative in education and that Studio9 curriculum will be dynamic not static as we continually seek the best ways to excite your child about education and their life possibilities.

The classroom experiences of our Elementary students are enriched through the Arts; art, dance, drama, technology and music are integrated cross-curricular. Through projects and performance opportunities, students learn through the Arts and develop an appreciation of the Arts. Your child can “survive in school” or your child can “thrive in school”. We prefer thrive to survive.
Concepts in core subjects can be enriched and strengthened through integration of arts based concepts. In addition students can express themselves through art forms while presenting their projects. Young children already have enormous imaginations and it is our duty to encourage that to continue and if possible grow. More than ever the world needs imagination and creativity at all levels and nurturing this childhood gift is key.
Our Elementary Program not only includes but enhances Language Arts, Math, Social Studies and Science with Project Based Learning , but also includes learning Through the Arts within the academic courses. Project based learning takes learning to a new level where knowledge is applied rather than just stored or memorized. Add to that, the infusion of the creativity and imagination of learning many of your basic concepts through the arts and a very special learning environment emerges. Academic concepts can be demonstrated through an art form as well as normal instruction, making the learning process more exciting, tactile and impressionistic. Students learn more when instruction is active, creative and yes, even fun. That is what Learning Through the Arts is.
Time and time again research has shown, and continues to show, that education nourished by the Arts is not only more exciting and dynamic, but much more lasting. See this link Click Here

No experience needed, just passion. That is our motto when it comes to students wanting to come to Studio9. We simply want those who want to try and want an opportunity to participate in the arts and want to live with the arts in their every day life. Those who feel they want to get better. Those who feel put down or even bullied for showing their talents to others. Those who want support in developing their arts side and who want to learn in a safe environment.
We take a strong stand against bullying.
Middle School years are a huge time of experimentation and questioning for youth so why not put that energy and those questions into the Arts and into creative learning process, that go well beyond the basic of text books and paper notes. Why not allow that energy to explode into class and arts projects.
Our middle school students begin to explore the various options to be studied more in-depth at the high school level.
We use a combination of semester and block programming for Middle School students with core subjects on a semester schedule and arts electives on a a block schedule.
The Arts are integrated into classroom projects through Learning Through the Arts curriculum strategies, allowing students an opportunity to perform as well as share their work.

High school students will get full credit for their electives as well as gaining the benefits of an arts based learning environment. They also take away a portfolio of all the work they’ve done through their electives. Students can specialize in the artistic discipline of their choosing. They are able to showcase their work through performances and presentations.
Our Graduation Program meets or exceeds provincial standards, giving students all of their post secondary options, from university to arts schools, to colleges, to trades or to technical schools. Our Graduation Rate is 99% and over 80% of our students have graduated with Honours Certificates from the Ministry of Education, even though they did not start at that level. It is the arts, as well as the teaching, learning and scheduling processes we use that help students set the bar higher and in many cases, reach it.
The way Studio9 is organized; students can specialize in their area of interest or sample several of the new programs to see where their interests lie.
As you explore your courses in Secondary Grade 10 – 12 it is important for you to understand the B.C. High School Graduation Program and consider what course your to graduate with a B.C. Dogwood Certificate and then what courses are required by your post secondary choice. The Graduation Program information is available by CLICKING HERE.
You have a lot more choices about what you learn. But, in order to graduate with a Dogwood Diploma, every student in the Graduation Program has to pass certain basic courses, like English, math and science. We meet or exceed Grad program requirements at Studio 9.

Students have the opportunity to study during school time or after school in areas of interest and earn grades and credits, as long as they are approved External Credit Courses through the B.C. Ministry of Education.
Examples might be some music courses, scuba, some dance courses, sports, Duke of Edinburgh Awards. There can be many opportunities to graduate with well over the minimum required credits under the Graduation Program. Some of our students have graduated with 120 credits or more utilizing external credits and the full credit course load at Studio9.