“I Came to Parenting the way most of us do
— knowing nothing and trying to learn everything.” — Mayim Bialik, actress and neuroscientist

What is the Studio9 POSSE?
You chose Studio9 because you wanted something different for your child or children. POSSE is a group of parent and guardian volunteers who promote school spirit and organize fundraising events to support this great school. Here are a few examples of the types of thing that POSSE gets involved with:
Reaching out to local businesses to find donations for raffles and silent auctions
Selling raffle tickets at the Studio9 shows, being responsible for monies collected and counted
Sharing ideas for promoting school spirit, getting parents and students together in a social environment
Discussing ideas and options for fundraising opportunities
Suggesting and voting on how to spend funds raised by POSSE
Helping to get volunteers together for special events supporting Studio9
What is the time commitment?
Meetings are monthly during the school year, beginning in September or October of each year. More frequent meetings may be held upon special request. Less frequent meetings may be held if there are no agenda items and as per POSSE membership vote.
POSSE elect where to hold the meetings and the best date and time at the first meeting of the school year.
How to get involved
Respond to the calls for volunteer help! At various times throughout the year, there will be opportunities to get involved with supporting POSSE and promoting school spirit. As a small school, we rely heavily on volunteers to be successful. Please help where you can to support your school.
If you use social media, join the Studio9 POSSE Facebook page. It is the go-to place for reminders about Studio9 activities and for the parents and guardians of Studio9 to ask questions and share ideas.
Come to a meeting! The Studio9 POSSE Facebook page has meeting details.
What is the full Studio9 POSSE constitution?
To assist in raising funds to enable the School to carry out its stated purposes by organizing events, fundraising programs or projects as well as soliciting, receiving money and property, both real and personal, by gift, contribution, bequest, devise, or otherwise, and including but not limited to the obtaining of funds from both the Government of Canada and the Government of British Columbia.
To determine in concert with the school management team, what projects, programs or items are being funded each year, for the benefit of students and the school.
To communicate with all parents regarding efforts to raise funds and how they can help.
To promote student involvement in fundraising efforts focusing on teamwork and sense of purpose, thereby providing student-learning opportunities in concert with fundraising.